Thursday, October 21, 2010

Post-01: What is the Mercury TestDirector 8.0 ?

What is the Purpose of Mercury TestDirector ?


Mercury TestDirector is a web based Software Test Management Tool to manage Test Cycle.

Mercury Test Director 8.0 - Test Management

Here, we will start with Mercury TestDirector modules and later on will explore all modules using a project

example from software industry.

Test Management Cycle includes followings:

  • Requirement Management - REQUIREMENTS module in Mercury TestDirector
  • Test Planning - TEST PLAN module in Mercury TestDirector 
  • Test Execution - TEST LAB module in Mercury TestDirector 
  • Defects Reporting - DEFECTS module in Mercury TestDirector 
Mercury TestDirector 8.0 - Modules
What are the main components of Mercury TestDirector ?

Main Components of the Mercury TestDirector includes followings:

  • Site Administrator
  • Project Customization

Mercury TestDirector 8.0 - Main Page

 What is the Purpose of Mercury TestDirector Site Administrator ?

The main purpose of Mercury TestDirector Site Administrator is to manage followings:

  • Create Project Domains
          Domain of the Project e.g; HEALTH, FINANCE etc

  • Create Projects
          New Project under some Domain e.g; HEALTH - Florida Dental  etc

  • Create Users
          Users - Which will use Mercury TestDirector.

  • Manage Connected Users
          Users - Accessing the Mercury TestDirector

  • Configure  Licenses
          Mercury License for Mercury TestDirector

  • Configure Test Director Server
          Server Parameters : Log Files, Mail Protocol, Max. DB Connections etc

  • Configure DB Servers
          Database Servers : Access, MS SQL Server etc

  • Site Configuration
          Site Parameters : Version Control, Mail Interval, Mail Format, Log File etc

  • Configure Site Scope
          TestDirector Server Availability, Performance, Memory & CPU usage etc

Mercury TestDirector 8.0 - Site Administrator Tabs

What is the Purpose of Mercury TestDirector Project Customization ?

The main purpose of Mercury TestDirector Project Customization is to manage followings:

  • Change Password 
          To change the user password

  • Change User Properties
          Full Name, Email, Phone, Description etc

  • Setup Users 
          Add, Remove, Assign Roles etc

  • Setup Groups
          Create, Remove Groups etc

  • Customize Module Access
          Access to Mercury TestDirector Modules

  • Customize Project Entities
          Defect, Test, Test Setup, Requirements, Run etc

  • Customize Project Lists
          Define Project drop down lists like Bug Status, Module etc

  • Configure Emails
          Define columns for Email template

  • Set Traceability Notification Rules
          Enable or Disable rules defined for requirements

  • Setup Workflow
          Dynamically changes fields & values of a project

Mercury TestDirector 8.0 - Project Customization

Next Post -02 : How will we create a project using Site Administration ?

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